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Zero Waste in Commercial Buildings

Zero Waste in Real Estate. What does it mean and how to actually do it?

Long awaited ESG transformation is finally here, at least everyone’s talking about it. Much of the discussion is directed towards energy efficiency, yet buildings start to feel a great pressure from their occupiers about the strategic sustainability approach, which also covers waste production. 

Therefore adopting a zero waste mindset is not just an environmental imperative but also a strategic business move. Let's explore what zero waste means and how we can integrate it into our operations.

What Zero Waste Means

According to the Zero Waste International Alliance, zero waste is defined as the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning them and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health. This comprehensive definition highlights the goal of creating a circular economy where waste is minimized, and resources are continuously reused. In other words - zero waste does not mean to not create waste - it means to reduce avoidable waste and not send waste to be stored somewhere (like landfill) for hundreds of years, so we do not harm our environment. If you actually feel about it, it actually makes so much sense! 

Current Waste Generation in the European Union

The statistics are staggering. The European Union generated approximately 2.2 billion tonnes of waste in 2020, a significant increase from 1.3 billion tonnes in 1980. This growth in waste generation is largely attributed to increased consumerism, urbanization, and economic activities. Construction and demolition activities, packaging waste, and electronic waste are major contributors to this surge. If this trend continues unchecked, the environmental and economic costs will be severe.

The Urgency of Addressing Waste Now

World Bank predicts that by 2050, global waste generation is projected to increase by 70% if current trends continue. This means more landfills, more pollution, and greater strain on natural resources. If we do not change now, by 2050 we will have more plastic in the ocean than fish! Without immediate changes, our current waste practices will lead to severe environmental degradation, impacting both human health and biodiversity. Therefore, adopting zero waste practices is not just beneficial but essential. And commercial real estate has the power to inspire and educate individuals for a greater change. 

Introducing the 5R Concept

The 5R concept is a fundamental principle in achieving zero waste. It includes:

  1. Refuse: Avoid products that generate waste. 
  2. Reduce: Minimize the amount of waste generated. 
  3. Reuse: Find ways to use items more than once.
  4. Recycle: Process materials to make new products.
  5. Rot: Compost organic waste to enrich soil.

These principles provide a structured approach to managing waste effectively and sustainably.

Implementing Zero Waste in Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings, such as offices and shopping malls, can significantly reduce waste through several practical steps:

  1. Measure - verify how much waste your building generates with a breakdown to waste types and waste sources (occupiers, shared spaces, amenities etc.). Using technology like WasteTracker, will help you to gather accurate data. 
  2. Build Strategy - analyze your starting point, define the goal and come up with at least 3 priorities (eg: education to cleaning crew, elimination of waste bins in conference rooms or under desks to encourage people to go and segregate their waste, elimination of waste bins in parking spaces, change of bathroom equipment, establishment of composting for restaurants and bio waste) 
  3. Benchmark your progress and encourage Zero Waste education on occupier level. 
  4. Continuous improvement. Keep an eye on your data to make sure your actions pay off. 

One of the framework that can be used for building and tracking your strategy is Zero Waste Certification program by Mission Zero Academy

Together, we can make zero waste not just a goal but a reality.
Talk to us about your building